We are a children's cancer charity that was founded officially in 2016 but the story began back in 2014. A group of people got together as they took part in a very large fundraising campaign for a local little girl named Ruby Laura. This campaign spearheaded by our founder, Anita Marinelli raised an enormous £600,000 for her treatment in just 10 months.
The campaign was a real eye opener and it did not take us long to realise the significant impact cancer has on not only the child diagnosed, but on the whole family. We met other families in similar heart breaking situations and we realised that we had to do more. We initially said that if we could help a further 10 families, it would be a job well done. To date, we have supported well over 5,000 families in the UK.
Our trustees are mainly volunteers that use their skills and expertise to make a difference. Our motto is, “it takes a village’ and we use this term regularly because of how we all came together. We were all strangers, united in our passion to campaign and to support children and other parents. We are all parents ourselves and realise that it’s only by luck that we are fortunate enough to have healthy children.
We are pleased to say that that Ruby Laura is now in remission from Neuroblastoma.