CHildrens Cancer Charity - My Shining Star

Apply for a Grant

Apply online for financial help

The purpose of My Shining Star grants is to help people meet the financial needs that can arise from childhood cancer or its treatment. You can apply online for a grant from My Shining Star providing that the criteria are met. Please ensure you have fully read our Grant Guidelines before making an application.

As part of the application process you will be required to upload supporting documents such as bills, receipts, bank statements, a letter from the consultant etc. Please do not start the application process until you have the required documents / photos.
Unfortunately, we have had to temporarily close our grant programme, due to high demand. Our demand has more than doubled. This means we can’t accept applications for the time being.

Please contact your Young Lives Vs Cancer social worker for more advice on support available.

We will reopen the applications as soon as we possibly can.
Let's Get Started
Grant Application
  • Primary Contact Details
  • Child Details
  • Grant Details
  • Financial Details
  • Payment Details
  • Data Protection

Primary Contact Details

This section is about the person who holds parental responsibility and lives with the child

Other Contacts

Please let us know the details of ALL other people with parental responsibility.

Child Details

Please tell us about the child you are applying for

Grant Details

Reason(s) for the grant application

PLEASE NOTE: Without 3 months recent bank statements from your main bank account your application will NOT be considered

Financial Details

We need to know about the money you receive into your home. Please confirm with bank statements less than 3 months old


You must attach evidence to accompany your application. This might be bills for payment, receipts, bank statements, a consultant letter, a letter from the DWP etc. Please include anything that you think might be relevant to your application.

You can upload PDFs, office documents and photos. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can take photos with your phone and upload those. Each file must be uploaded one at a time (click the upload button as many times as you need)

REMINDER: Without 3 months recent bank statements from your main bank account your application will NOT be considered.

Payment Details

If the grant is awarded, where should it be paid to?

Data Protection and Publicity

By submitting this form, you agree to us:

  • recording your details on a database, to help provide us with useful data about the applications we receive;
  • publishing your details in our yearly accounts required for the Charity Commission purposes

We may also contact you from time to time by phone, email, text or post to tell you about how we can support you. Your details will be kept securely and only shared with our suppliers or partners who work on our behalf or with us to deliver and improve services for people affected by cancer. We never sell or swap your details with third parties.

Before clicking the button below please ensure that you have fully completed the form and have uploaded sufficient evidence (bill for payment, receipt, bank statment, proof of benefit, consultant letter etc) to back up your application.

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